Founding Committees

The Mountain Laurel Sudbury School Founders' Group has established the following committees, to further the effort of creating our school. You may contact any of the chairmen of these committees by clicking on their names below:

Site Committee
Working to find an appropriate site for our school. Tami Hyde, chairman.

Funding Committee
Working to develop alternative funding sources for potential students whose families might not be able to pay full tuition. Christine Wanner, chairman.

Non-Profit Status Committee
Working to establish 501(c)3 non-profit tax status for the school. Michael Kealey, chairman.

Marketing/Advertising/Public Relations Committee
Working to get the word out about our school. Walt Thiessen, chairman.

Friends of Mountain Laurel Sudbury School and other interested persons who might like to help in any of these efforts are encouraged to contact the above listed contacts via email. Just click on the appropriate chairperson's name.